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The idea started when I realised that buying personalised jewelry or anything personalised for that matter was very expensive.


I remember always walking through stores selling pre made necklaces and keychains and looking for my initials, name, or the names of friends and family as gifts. I either never found them or when I did, it cost a fortune. I automatically had to eliminate the names of friends and family that were not english because 99% of the time they were never there.


A similar thing happened again. My brother was getting married and I wanted to get him something personal. I found customisable cufflinks online but yet again, they were quite expensive.


There had to be a way to provide reasonably priced products without compromising on the quality...

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Why we exist

With all this in mind we started our small business - uniquely and More.


We aim to provide our customers with customised or personalised jewelry and gifts (such as wedding  presents/souvenirs) at reasonable prices. All the while using quality materials that won't damage easily.


We want our customers to feel valued. That they can have things made to fit their specific wants or needs.


Just as how we are all made uniquely, we want to be able to create something uniquely made for you and more. Either through our actual products or your overall experience.


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